Are you looking for an effective tool to manage your students learning experience? A tool that:
- enables students to share their views on any aspect of your institutions in less than 30 seconds on their mobile devices;
- alerts faculty or staff when the feedback requires immediate attention;
- enables the faculty or staff to let the student know of actions taken in response;
- provides an executive dashboard for overviews (or detailed pictures, when needed) of students’ feedback so systemic issues in your institution can be addressed;
- can also be used for team-based classes where the level of participation and contribution of each student needs to be assessed by classmates and teammates.
- is hosted securely on the cloud so it essentially has no impact on your IT infrastructure
ClassAngle™ can do all of the above, and more at an affordable cost: Impress your students!

“… we have not yet been able to find an alternative measure of teaching effectiveness that correlates as strongly with student learning. In other words, they may be imperfect measures, but they are also our best measures.”